Bridport Landscape and Seascape (Track - Chesil Pebbles by Elizabeth Hornby)
Elizabeth and Matt play at Bridport Hat Festival
All Rights Reserved. Copyright Elizabeth Hornby 2022
'Lush, moving and cinematic'
Suzy Almond - Playwright and musician
"Everything here feels natural and intuitive,
the phrases in each track reaching the ear
like gentle, undulating waves"
Gavin Dixon - Music Review
Elizabeth started playing the piano at an early age and has enjoyed almost 32 years playing. Her most recent album Betrothal (2017) sets the scene of her current inner emotional landscape. The themes explored range from her experience volunteering with refugees, walking in protest and solidarity with minority and oppressed peoples, and in contrast, pieces that dwell on finding love; writing for both her own wedding and that of her sister.
Elizabeth currently lives in West Dorset with her husband and little one and is Minister to a thriving Unitarian Chapel, at least two of the tracks on Betrothal have been inspired by the diversity and inclusivity of this sacred space. She has also lived in India, South Africa and other parts of the U.K
Previous albums:
Lady of Lewesdon Hill (2012)
Butterfly Island (2013)
Photo By: William Stringer